15 Oct Rocky Miller, CSM
“I’ve been working with TBR Strategies, namely Justin Smith, for over 7 years. TBR Strategies was already in place when I arrived at Superior Paving in Gainesville, Va. When I came here to work in Inventory and Storeroom Management, I already had almost 20 years of experience. But what I didn’t have was the leadership and guidance that TBR Strategies and Justin Smith had to share with me. I gained a whole new outlook and perspective on my job that, until then, I didn’t know I was lacking. I learned how to hone my skills in Inventory control, but more importantly, I learned WHY there was a method to the madness, so to speak. In turn, I became much more efficient at my job. As a result, with Justin’s help and advice, I took a brand new Certification on this subject that was provided starting last year and passed! I was among the inaugural class and am the first Certified Storeroom Manager in the World! I can’t thank Justin and TBR Strategies enough for the role that he’s played in my career. I can’t imagine working anywhere else that doesn’t subscribe to TBR Strategies and their way of doing things and doing things right!! I encourage anyone and everyone reading this to please get yourself and your company on the path to greater success and call Justin at TBR Strategies. You may be doing alright, but I assure you, you could be doing much BETTER!! Thank you, Justin and everyone at TBR Strategies!”